I’m super excited to share this amazing success story of one of Team Sweet Life’s very own: Jimmy B.!
Jimmy looked like the guy on that left side photo LESS than a year ago. In less than a year, he scorched his body fat and revealed abs that he used to only dream about! Speaking of dreaming, he also was able to kiss his CPAP goodbye for sleep apnea and still leaves it on his nightstand to remind him each day why he now leads a healthy life!
Who am I to speak? Let’s hear from the man himself:

Jimmy’s results in LESS than 1 year!! Using Focus T25 & P90X3!
Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?* My goal was to lose 30 pounds during the first 10 week cycle of T25. I lost 35 pounds!!! I wanted to be at 200 lbs after finishing Gamma round of T25. I was at 188. When starting P90X3, I wanted to get down to 175 lbs, and begin to really carve out my muscles. The day I finished, I was at exactly 175…and my muscle tone is better than it has ever been. It is awesome to look down and see ab muscles instead of a big belly!!! But I think my biggest achievement is the fact that my sleep apnea has gone away, and I have dropped my blood pressure down to the normal range for the first time since I was in high school. I feel like my heart is so much stronger. I just feel so healthy now. I also started running races. I finished a 5k in under 25 minutes…and I finished my first Spartan Race…Getting medals for fitness is pretty cool!
What is Jimmy Doing Now? – Beachbody Challenge Winner
Jimmy is now a proud Coach with Team Sweet Life Fitness. By paying it forward not only as Beachbody Challenge Winner, but as a Coach, he can inspire others to go through the same journey.
You are NOT alone!
Connect with Coach Jimmy with your Free Team Beachbody account (Click Here) and he can help you get the results YOU deserve.
-Everyone on Team Sweet Life Fitness