While this post is titled P90X Lower Back Pain, it can be for anyone doing a program like INSANITY Max 30, P90X3, Focus T25, and more. Lower Back pain can be a real pain the butt (literally). Today I’m sharing some prevention tips and some stretches you can do to help with lower back pain.
About 5 months ago I had a HUGE lower back problem. My lower back pain escalated to the point where I was having spasms and had to use an office chair to get around for the day. Very embarrassing indeed!
I know what caused the problem too – bad use of form! I was bending with my lower back, picking up things with my lower back, and doing burpees with my lower back. All earn a big fat “F” in the fitness world.
For the next few months I did a lot of studying, chatting, and putting words to action to improve my lower back. Today I’m sharing what worked for me. Of course, this is just my personal account and journey to help you. If you have serious issues, or concerns, always consult with a doctor. I’m no certified doctor or physical therapist – I’m just someone who loves the P90X series and want to share my tips.
P90X Lower Back Pain Prevention – Daily Tasks We Take for Granted
Ever hear of the “Squat”? If you’ve done any P90X or Beachbody Program I’m sure you have! Squats, as annoying as they might be, are the key to P90X Lower Back Pain prevention.
But this goes beyond the typical things we do in our workouts each day.We take so many things for granted in our daily routine. From bending over, to washing our hands, these things compound overtime and can lead towards back problems now and long into the future.
You should be using what you learn in your workout in everyday life. Here are a few tips that I have learned shared in this video, from bending over to wash your hands at a sink, to doing burpees!
P90X Lower Back Pain Stretches to Reduce Pain
Here are a few of my personal favorite stretches that I have used to assist with relieving some back pain. Take it easy with these moves, and do them consistently for best results. Want even more stretches? Check out an additional Lower Back Stretches Guide for Fitness and Body Building Enthusiasts.
Child’s Pose – This is a simple Yoga move that really helps stretch your entire lower back. If you are currently experiencing bad back pain, take it easy (only do what is tolerable). Keep this up consistently as you do different workouts and you’ll be doing your lower back a great thing!

Seated Spinal Stretch
Seated Spinal Stretch – Ohhh my does this feel amazing! If you feel cracks in your spine while you do this, it should feel good. Make sure you really focus on sitting up straight during this move. With each breath, turn your body more while sitting up straight.

Lying down spinal stretch
Laying Down Spinal Stretch – This one can sometimes feel even more awesome than the Seated Spinal Stretch. You lay down, keeping your shoulders on the ground. You then pull your opposing knees to the other side of your body. This will take a while to master, but once you do, it is a perfect stretch for your spine that can really help your lower back. This move is found in P90X3 Dynamix as well.
Do you notice something with all of these moves? They are readily found in Yoga! Now, don’t get me wrong, I never was a fan of P90X Yoga. But the benefits of doing Yoga, improving flexibility, and ensuring you do whatever you can to prevent tweaks and issues is important.
I hope you found some valuable tips and info in today’s post on P90X Lower Back Pain. If you did, please share this with others on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. so that they can benefit from it too!
Until next time, we’ll see you soon!
Yours in Making Fitness Fun,
Coach Bob