If I could show you three simple strategies that could help improve your P90X Pull Ups, would you be interested? If you answered yes, welcome to Sweet Life Fitness (glad to have you). For me personally, I have struggled with pull ups a lot. I’m that guy in High School Gym class that got the big old easter egg (0) each time we did a fitness exam with pull ups. Trust me, I know what it’s like to be frustrated at pull ups. But is all lost? Nope!
I was able to improve my pull ups following three different strategies. Let’s check out the Three strategies below so you can start improving your P90X Pull Ups (or any pull ups) today! Also, there is a video below with a brief demonstration that I provide for each strategy. Enjoy!
P90X Pull Ups Improvement Strategy #1 – Resistance Bands First
The very first thing you should do, especially if you are having an extremely difficult time with pull ups, is to use resistance bands. There are two major benefits to using resistance bands over using the pull up bar:
For beginners, it helps you use the weight of the resistance band versus your body weight. If you have a lot of weight to lose, you would be pulling your entire body up, which could be too much weight for your muscles to bare. The resistance bands can provide variety of weights from 15-50 pounds to get you started right.
- This provides a great way to work when you have limited space. Most pull up bars go over your door, but if you don’t have the right dimensions or space, the bands will work perfectly. Just make sure you wrap the bands around a sturdy support.
- You can get your resistance bands here with Sweet Life Fitness for around $20 depending on the weight you want. Click the best one for you if you don’t have the bands and are looking for them: 15 pounds, 20 pounds, 30 pounds, 40 pounds, 50 pounds. The weight is dependent on the resistance provided within the band.
P90X Pull Ups Improvement Strategy #2 – The Trusty Old Chair!
When you have that pull up bar ready to go, there are two great ways to build your support up to the “full pull up ability”. How? With a trusty old chair! You can see an example of me using it in the video below, but below are two photos that explain the two methods used with chairs.
The First Method involves putting 1 or 2 legs on a chair. But Remember! You must make sure you do your P90X Pull Ups with a focus on your arms and lats (those muscles under your armpits located near your back). Don’t use your legs to pull up! Use your legs for support only.
The second method, once you start getting stronger, is to fold your legs. This is tricky and will work if done properly (by using your muscles and not your back to lift yourself up). Start with your legs folded on a box or chair, then lift up, and come back down. Let your legs/knees rest on the chair when you’re down as you begin, so that you can last without getting exhausted too early.
P90X Pull Ups Improvement Strategy #3 – Negative Pull Ups
This is an advanced strategy when you’re looking at just building up your entire pull-up ability. Here are the steps to achieve the negative pull up:
- Cross Your Legs
- Pull or Jump up to the Top of the Bar
- Hold yourself at the Top for about 3-5 seconds
- SLOWLY Lower Yourself down to the starting point (take about 3-5 seconds or longer to lower)
It seems simple, but your muscles will be put to work! The benefit? You’ll be rocking out your pull ups in no time with this strategy!
P90X Pull Ups Video
Check out this video on P90X Pull Ups. Afterwards, please comment below this post and let me know how YOUR Pull Ups are going. Also, be sure to share this post with others who you think would benefit from the strategies.
Yours in Fitness Success,
Coach Bob Sharpe
*Results may vary from person to person per their own capacity.