Good Day all of you awesome people. Today I’m exposing my Focus T25 Struggle with the Gamma Phase, specific to nutrition. Sure, I will be sharing my other Focus T25 Struggles in my personal blog on Sweet Life Fitness, since we are in this TOGETHER as a Community! But today I’m talking about a specific nutrition goal I’m setting.
If there is one thing I absolutely despise, it is the stupid MUFFIN TOP! You know….that layer of fat around your lower stomach that needs some Magical Genie to come and grant you the wish of removal.
Here is the deal: I have been following the Focus T25 Nutrition Guide, but I feel I need more to get the muffin top demolished. So what I’m doing is following a higher protein, lower carb diet for the next three weeks. And as long as I’m successful, I will be sharing it with all of YOU afterwards! If I’m not successful, I will keep plugging away at strategies until I’m 100% washboard-abs man. (If you want to join me in the journey, be sure you’re part of the team on Team Beachbody for free – Click Here to Join).*
Focus T25 Struggles with Gamma Nutrition
Focus T25 Gamma is all about strength and core combined. So far I’m loving Gamma (more reviews to come soon). I’m putting all of my effort into each workout. But did you know that that is only HALF of the effort? The other half is eating right. When you have fat to lose, (even if it is just “skinny fat” that hides those abs), action must be taken. That’s what this three week journey is all about. Check out the video now for the details:
Current Stats:
- Muffin Top (Lower Belly) measurement: 36 inches
- Current Weight 205 pounds (Height: 6’ 7”)
- Muffin Top Measurement GOAL: 34 inches
- Weight GOAL: 196 pounds (ideal BMI)
How about YOU? Do you struggle with a muffin top? Are you excited to have this diet plan in your hands in the next three weeks? If so, comment below and say HI and introduce yourself – and then, let me know WHY you want to get rid of that muffin top…
Yours in Crushing Muffin Tops,
Coach Bob Sharpe
*Results may vary from person to person per their own capacity.