I have to totally admit that I am absolutely digging the Body Beast program. While I found great fun and success with my P90X3 Journey (and still will use it as my fall back program), Body Beast gives me a challenge. Today I’m sharing the Body Beast Build Shoulders Review as it applies to my week 1 review of turning the BEAST MODE on!
Body Beast Build Shoulders Review – YouTube Video
Here is my YouTube video of my Body Beast Build Shoulders review. I’ll explain a bit more of what I talk about in the video right below.
Body Beast Build Shoulders Review – Screw the Ego!
If you have been following my on Sweet Life Fitness, or are already one of our awesome free members, you know I like to keep it real. At NO point in this “Beast” workout do you need to have a huge ego and be a muscle-head douchebag.

Drop the Ego, my Friends!
In fact the entire Body Beast program is the completed opposite of the steroid-inducing “GYM GUYS” that we all dread. Sagi Kalev is one of the most genuine and caring people I know (plus he is just hilarious in the workouts in my opinion).
With all of that in mind, I focused on my FORM during Body Beast Build Shoulders, versus trying to be in a “who can lift the heaviest weight” competition. Even Sagi himself mentions how important it is to focus on form versus weight. So I proudly lifted those 5, 8, and 10 pound weights during this workout. I have also noticed that the right weights give me more soreness the next day when I am using full range of motion (who would have figured?).
So, learning from what I have been doing in Beast, use the lighter weights for greater growth. Once you build up to a point where it is easy, increase the weight slightly (How did I come to this conclusion? I’m now on Week 8 during the writing of this post…I know, I’m so far behind in writing!!).
Body Beast Build Shoulders Review of the Moves
There are some KILLER moves in the shoulders. Unlike the P90X3 Eccentric Upper workouts or P90X Shoulders & Arms, Body Beast Build Shoulders focuses on the entire shoulder muscle (front, side, and back of shoulder).
Are you ready to Beast-up? Are you ready to get big?! – Sagi Kalev
Warm-Up – Total of 3 minutes with jogging, the arm circles as usual, and a few shoulder warm-ups with light weights. I must say that I laugh at Sagi’s jogging. After coming off of programs like X3 and INSANITY where it was an all-out blood bath, the light little stepping jog is hilarious (and amazing!)
Below are each of the moves followed by my WEEK 1 weights that were used during the workout. I share the weights I used as a frame of reference. You may be lower or heavier, but the key is doing the very best you can do (see: How to get Results with your Program).

Seated Shoulder Press
Seated Shoulder Press – Single Set – Body Beast Build Shoulders review
- Round 1: 15 reps (my weight: 8)
- Round 2: 12 reps, increased weight (my weight: 15)
- Round 3: 8 reps, heaviest weight (my weight: 25)
- Drop Set: 8 reps, lighter weight (my weight: 15)
Side Lateral Raise & Upright Rows – Super Set – Body Beast Build Shoulders review
- Round 1: Side Laterals – 15 reps (my weight: 5)
- Round 1: Upright Rows – 15 reps (my weight: 20)
- Round 2: Side Lateral Raise – 12 reps, increased weight (my weight: 8)
- Round 2: Upright Rows – 12 reps, increased weight (my weight: 25)
- Round 3: Side Lateral Raise – 8 reps, increased weight (my weight: 15)
- Round 3: Upright Rows – 8 reps, increased weight (my weight: 40)
- Drop Set: 8 reps, lighter weight (my weight: 25)
Underhand Press / 1-1-2 Front Raise / Rear Delt Raise – Giant Set – Body Beast Build Shoulders review
1-1-2 Raise
Underhand Press – (my weights: round 1 8 pounds, round 2 15 pounds, round 3 15 pounds)
- 1-1-2 Front Raise – (my weights: round 1 5 pounds, round 2 8 pounds, round 3 10 pounds)
- Rear Delt Raise – (my weights: round 1 8 pounds, round 2 8 pounds, round 3 10 pounds)
Dumbbell Shrug with Scap Trap – Super Set – Body Beast Build Shoulders review
- Dumbbells Shrug (The Cobra maker lol!) – (my weights: round 1 15 pounds, round 2, 25 pounds, round 3 40 pounds, drop set 25 pounds).
- Scap Trap – (my weights: round 1 5 pounds, round 2 8 pounds, round 3 8 pounds)
Sagi Six Way – Super Set – Body Beast Build Shoulders review
- Sagi Six Way – This move was NUTS! – (my weights: round 1 5 pounds, round 2 5 pounds)
You then finish up with some tuck & roll moves (great abs workout) along with the standard cool down.
All in all, I LOVE Body Beast Build Shoulders. I cannot wait to have my shoulders build up (and bulk up) a bit more. Have you ever noticed that the people with bigger shoulders just look like they have bigger biceps and triceps?
Are you doing Body Beast or thinking about it? Join Team Sweet Life Fitness and get your Body Beast and let’s Beast Up together! Check out the Body Beast packages, or if you already have it, Join Sweet Life Fitness for free and let’s keep each other motivated!
Yours in #BEASTMODE,
Coach Bob