Before P90X Day 1, I was 70 pounds overweight, sluggish, and inactive. I was still young, and knew that someday I would want to start a family.
How could I start a family and be able to chase the kids around and have fun if I was out of shape?
That is what led me to discovering P90X. I was desperate to find something that worked. This is what led me to P90X Day 1. I’ll never forget that first day, June 22nd, 2010.
I remember the day so vividly because it was the birth of a new me. I would have to embrace failure. I would have to embrace something beyond my ability. Today, I want to share with all of YOU how I was able to stick with it. In fact, without that P90X Day 1, I would have never made Sweet Life Fitness!
P90X Day 1 – My Video Discussion
Check out my video discussion on P90X Day 1 experience. Then, be sure to check below the video for how I broke free of my struggle and failure with P90X.
P90X Day 1 – How to Break Free of Struggle by Embracing Failure
As I mention in my video above, failure is really what helped me succeed. Within the last 60 days of P90X I:
- Embraced failure. I stopped comparing myself to the people on the video and people on YouTube. I decided I was going to do the best I could do, and push myself as hard as I could.
- Looked for failure. Not only did I embrace failure, I sought it out. I started to realize that the one thing that hurt me during P90X Day 1 was what would make me stronger. Push yourself to ultimate failure in your workouts (safely, without hurting yourself), and it is at that point you’ll succeed. If you just maintain what you CAN do, you’ll never be challenged. Without challenge (and failure), you’ll always stay where you are currently. Go past the barrier.
- Broke the BARRIER. This is a huge accomplishment, and it is why I was able to break free of the constant struggle. Each day I worked out with P90X I had a tough time. I knew I was going to be sore. I knew I would have issues. In fact, each day I did it I felt worn out and didn’t want to keep going. Yet I persevered. Eventually, it became more fun. Then, I started feeling like crap when I didn’t work out! This to me is breaking that barrier! Once you reach the point where exercise is to the point of a healthy addiction (we should call it, a “healthy lifestyle”), then you’ll be unstoppable!
Do you feel like it’s impossible to achieve results with P90X? Did you do P90X Day 1 and thought that you’d never be able to achieve?
It’s time to change your mindset.
Embrace Failure. Look for Failure. Break Past that Barrier that’s holding you from your dreams.
Even if it takes you more than 90 days. 180 days. 240 days. 2 Years. The time passes anyway, make each day count.
Even if it feels like you’ll be doing P90X for eternity, there will be that one magical day when you look in the mirror, step on the scale, and say “WOW”!
I hope you enjoyed this post on P90X Day 1 and got some value out of the post. Comment below and let me know what strategies you applied (or will apply) to make the MOST out of P90X.
For more help and free Coaching for P90X, join Coach Bob Sharpe of Sweet Life Fitness on Team Beachbody.
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Yours in P90X Success,
Coach Bob Sharpe