Get ready for some P90X Motivation. But First: Congratulations! You have already started, or are thinking of starting the P90X Workout Program. But if you are feeling a lack of confidence or you are already in Weeks 2, 3, 4 and aren’t seeing results yet, stay tuned.
Today I’m sharing some simple steps for pushing past the barrier of why P90X is Hard. Follow these and be sure to comment below this post and let me know how you feel, what questions you have, and your commitment to getting the absolute BEST results with P90X. Let’s get started with today’s P90X Motivation.
P90X Motivation Step #1: Results are Great, but PROCESS is where Success Hides
In today’s instant gratification society, it’s all about results, results, results! After all, that is what we want, right!?
What is frustrating is that even though we see all of the great results from the infomercials and constant YouTube searches (“P90X Results” “P90X Before and After” “P90X Success Stories”, etc), we aren’t seeing results! Week 1, Week 2, week 3, HELLO why is NOTHING happening yet? You might even experience the following issues:
- You Gain Weight Each time you Step on the Scale
- You aren’t seeing Abs within the first few weeks, or even in the first two months
- You think these success stories are just freaking lucky (as you stare at your non-dissolving gut).
Have you ever felt like that? I sure have, and I started realizing what my problem was – I was focused too much on the results and not the process.
You might not lose weight within the first FIVE weeks (muscle gains and cortisol are causes for this issue; see my P90X3 Week 1 review for info). Just because you don’t see the results right away, trust the process.
Why do you think the P90X results happened for so many? They trust the process.
It is P90X. Not P7X, P14X, or P50X. 90 Days: embrace each day and BRING IT. Blindly follow it, and surprise yourself.
P90X Motivation Step #2: Don’t Let Setbacks throw off your
P90X is hard, especially if you end up missing a day or two (or three…). Don’t let this throw you off your process and journey! Here are a few set-backs that can happen, and what you can do to defeat them:
You Get Sick
The number one reason people stop a workout program. They get sick, end up missing a few days, and pop goes the weasel (and their P90X motivation).

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Some people ask, is it OK to still workout when I’m sick? Here is the general rule of thumb: If it is above the shoulders, Push Play! If it is below the shoulders, rest and recover.
If you end up missing a few days, it is up to you if you want to start over from Day 1 or pick up where you left off. Some people like to do a clean 90 days without skipping, but it is your choice.
You Miss a Workout or Don’t Have Time
If you miss a workout or two, who cares! Jump back on with as much intensity and commit to sticking with each day. Ideally, if you truly want results you will FIND a way to schedule P90X. Make a decision. NOW.
That decision needs to be: I want to get in the shape I’ve always dreamed of. I will do everything and anything in my power to NEVER miss another P90X workout. I will revisit this P90X Motivation blog post over and over if I ever think of missing a workout (shameless plug…lol).
If you find yourself never having time and struggling, you might want to consider an alternative to P90X. My suggestion would be the P90X3 program, which is only 30 minutes per day. It packs the same punch as P90X, in shorter time.
P90X Motivation Step #3: Do Your Best and Forget the Rest. Challenge your BODY and Ignore your MIND.
Unless you attempt to do something beyond what you’ve already mastered, you will never grow.
P90X is hard, yes! P90X motivation is needed, absolutely! But as I mention in this section, you need to challenge your body and push it to failure every day. Ignore your mind.
What do I mean by that? Your mind tells you to stop WAY before your body does. Your mind thinks:
- Oh this hurts
- OK I did enough today, I can push more tomorrow
- I don’t want to get too sore
- Man I have a lot to do today
Forget your mind, and push your body beyond where you can literally not do another move or you fall down (then, you’ll get P90X Motivation naturally and those great P90X results!).
This video shows even more about what I’m talking about:
Did you see that? The Coach blind-folded Brock as he completed the Death Crawl. The blindfold served as Brock’s mental mind block. Brock thought in his mind the 50-yard line was a challenge…
By pushing past his mental limits (the 50-yard line), his body took him to the end-zone.
Are you allowing your mind to stop you at the 50-yard line?
TO DO: Take away the mental mind block of your P90X journey. Stop saying “P90X is hard” and let your body do the work.
In time with daily consistent actions, repeated over and over, YOU will end up in the end-zone as well.
Comment below and let me know your commitment to P90X now.
Coach Bob
P.S. Want more P90X motivation? Get a Free Team Beachbody Account and have Coach Bob help you.