Do you think you struggle with Adrenal Fatigue? What an interesting topic, which can apply largely to health and fitness (ahem: Weight Loss!). I have read a lot of articles on Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms in my fitness research. While I believe there is still a lot of research to be done, there are symptoms that you should be aware of now.
So, What Exactly IS Adrenal Fatigue?
Before we get to the symptoms and reasons for Adrenal Fatigue, what exactly is this “thing”?
Adrenal fatigue (also known as adrenal apathy) causes unnecessary loss of energy and fatigue. This is based on different stresses and situations. When it comes to fitness and weight loss, it can also go hand in hand with the Cortisol Effect. The can prevent you from losing weight (ugh! Lack of weight loss Coach Bob!?! – Yes, but please don’t stress out about it! Strategies are listed below).
Adrenal Fatigue all starts with the wonderful Adrenal Glands.
The Adrenal glands are those little guys that sit right above the kidneys. See them? They kind of look like little grapes in the picture above. When the adrenal glands become tired and do not function properly, bad production of hormones produce.
What does this mean!?
Well, when the adrenal glands don’t produce the right hormones, people end up feeling exhaustion quite frequently. This is the type of “end of the day” tiredness that seems to occur from the moment you wake up.
According to adrenal fatigue is a syndrome, and does occur when these adrenal glands do not work properly (i.e. they function below necessary levels). The majority of cases are linked to intense or long-term stress. It can also occur after long-term infections such as bronchitis or flu.
Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms
The most common signs and adrenal fatigue symptoms are below. Keep in mind that I always recommend that you check with your Doctor if you have any symptoms or concerns with adrenal fatigue.
- Tired feeling, and sleepiness throughout the entire day.
- High levels of cravings for sweets and salts.
- Reliance and need for caffeine such as coffee and colas.
- Unusually low blood pressure.
- Abrupt weight loss that may be unexplained.
- Surge of energy late in the afternoon instead of earlier in the day.
- Difficulty getting out of bed, even with a great night’s sleep (7-8.5 hours per night).
- General Body Aches
What Causes Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms?

High Levels of Stress can lead to Adrenal Fatigue. Take a break, breathe, and relax. Be sure to also exercise daily (image source:
Some of the most common causes leading up to potential for adrenal fatigue include:
- Events or situations that can put a burden on your body. Things like a major surgery, malnutrition, drug addictions, or even new exercises that trigger higher cortisol levels.
- Exposure to chemicals (toxic) and pollutants for a long period of time.
- High levels of stress and physiological circumstances. This includes work troubles, negative relationships, financial hardship, and many more stresses of life.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms
If you feel that you have adrenal fatigue symptoms and want to know more, there are many test available. Because the larger medical field hasn’t really understood adrenal fatigue yet, many alternative medical practitioners do the diagnosis through blood and saliva testing.
Saliva can be a measure of level of stressed hormones. It can also pick up imbalances that lead towards things like obesity, diabetes, and even depression.
When it comes to treatment, keep in mind that some practitioners believe that the adrenal gland may become chronic, especially if you have prolonged stressful events and poor health. But with proper adrenal support and lifestyle modifications, patients can be treated effectively.
This means:
- Eating Healthy and Exercising Regularly.
- Sleeping Right (at least 7 or 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night)
- Avoiding Stressful Situations, or Managing Stressful Situations well.
Remember that when it comes to eating healthy and exercise, Coach Bob Sharpe and Sweet Life Fitness is here to help you. No matter what it is, check out our Getting Started page or get committed in our next Beachbody Challenge.
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Coach Bob Sharpe
*Results may vary from person to person per their own capacity.