If you are looking for where to buy Shakeology cheap, look no further. Shakeology is not sold in stores, but there is a way to save money online and I’ll share 4 awesome ways to do that in this post!
I assume you know what Shakeology is and it’s nutritional benefits (if not click here). This post will show you how you can get the price even lower with some special savings on where to buy Shakeology cheap. Such As:
- DISCOUNTED Shipping (saves you $10 or MORE per order)
- 10% Discount on Shakeology
- 25% Discount on Shakeology (Best Option)
- FREE Shakeology
I personally have found great benefit out of drinking Shakeology each day. But then again I want to keep it as cost effective as possible! If you are ready to take action, live a healthier lifestyle, and save money legitimately – let’s get rocking!
Word of Warning: After speaking to a few of you, these four options are the best ways to buy Shakeology cheap at a discount. Sites such as Amazon or Ebay have been known to either have sellers giving fake powder inside of a Shakeology bag, or over-pricing the product (wow, not cool right?). It is best to get Shakeology direct from the official manufacturer on the Team Beachbody network.
Because these discounts often change and alter (as they have already in this past year), take action today if you are ready to buy Shakeology. There is no warning and discounts may be removed at anytime as they are listed below!
Option #1 – Huge Discount on Shipping – Buy Shakeology Cheap
You can get an immediate discount on shipping. Here are the steps you can take the apply the shipping discount listed below. This brings down the cost by $10 or more depending on your location. This is a great way to buy Shakeology cheap because shipping can be quite expensive.
- First, buy Shakeology on Auto-Ship (Home Direct) on the next page when you click the button below.
- You will get a HUGE Discount on Shipping (around $10!). You can always cancel it from auto-shipping after you receive your first shipment (and still save the shipping money!).
- Once it is delivered at your house, e-mail customerservice@teambeachbody.com and ask them to cancel your home direct Shakeology order. That way you still save on shipping. If you love the product (which I am sure you will), you don’t have to do anything and you’ll have an auto-shipment every 30 days, and continue to save on shipping month after month.
Option #2 – 10% Discount on Shakeology
You can buy Shakeology cheap with a 10% discount as a Beachbody Club Member. Beachbody is the parent company of Shakeology and the direct manufacturer. When you become a club member, you not only get 10% off Shakeology, but access to be able to STREAM Beachbody Workouts directly from your computer or iPhone!
Here is how you can get the special Club Membership:
- Click the Link Below to sign-up for Club Membership
- Club Membership costs $38.97 per quarter. You will also get access to personalized meal plans, tips from trainers such as P90X Tony Horton, and more.
- After you get Club Membership, you will get Shakeology with a special discount of 10% immediately, and continue to get 10% off each month you remain as a Club Member.
=>Click here to become a Club Member – U.S. and Canada<=
Option #3 – 25% Discount on Shakeology
This is where to Buy Shakeology cheap (or should I say the “cheapest”). This option does require a bit more commitment in the aspect of sticking with Shakeology for the long term. But if you have ever looked at the ingredients in Shakeology, you’ll know it’s worth it.
To save 25% on Shakeology, you can join as a Beachbody Coach. A coach does not mean you are a fitness or nutrition expert. You can simply join as what we call a “Discount Coach”. This is someone who loves the products, like Shakeology, and wants to save 25% on all orders. If you want to save and be more than a discount coach, I suggest you check out more info here.
It really makes sense when you look at it this way. These figures are in United States Dollars:

These prices do not include taxes, however even with taxes added, the writing is on the wall as to which one saves you more 🙂
Click here to take advantage of being a Discount Coach
Details on Saving 25% as a Discount Beachbody Coach:
- It costs $39.95 to become a Coach, and then $15.95 every month afterwards. With the discount on Shakeology, you will still save a little over $10 on list price (plus the discount on shipping too!).
- Click the link below to become a discount Coach. Fill in the application. After the application, you can either choose a Challenge Pack or just get Shakeology alone. If you get a Challenge Pack, you will get a discount on any workout program of your choice with Shakeology (P90X, INSANITY, P90X3, and more).
=>Click here to get the 25% Discount Beachbody Coach deal<=
Option #4 – Free Shakeology?
This is inevitably what my wife and I decided to do right off the bat. We didn’t really want to have to pay for Shakeology. Option #4 on where to buy Shakeology cheap goes hand-in-hand with Option #3. First off, you have to be serious about staying on Shakeology for the long-term health benefits. Here are the steps to aim on getting your Shakeology for free:
- Sign up as a Coach using Option #3 above.
- Invite 3 or 4 other people to enjoy Shakeology with you. Send them to your page and you will receive a 25% commission on their Shakeology order each month they drink the product.
- Having 3 or 4 people drinking Shakeology will earn you enough income monthly to have Shakeology for free! Simple as that! Obviously if you have more people interested, you’ll earn a profit.
Take Action: You Decide your Preferred way to Buy Shakeology Cheap
These are the four options available to legitimately buy Shakeology cheap. It is your turn to decide which option you’d like. The best option if you don’t want to be tied down is Option #1. If you are ready and serious to take action, get the 30-day guarantee, and save on Shipping, click the button below now.
=>Click here to save 25% as a Beachbody Coach<=
Coach Bob
Mrs J says
If I am not satisfied with the program or the taste, you mentioned a 30 day money back guarantee. How does that work?
SweetLifeCoach says
@Mrs J good question. You can box it up and send it directly back to Beachbody and get a full refund (less shipping/handling), even if you send the bag back empty. They credit your payment method as soon as the bag/product is returned.
JamieSh1 says
If you become a coach, do you have to get people under you or meet some kind of quota to keep being a coach? Of can you literally sign up and get the 25% discount on Shakeology? I would eventually like to get people under me, but I want my results to get them for me, not me bugging people to buy it.
SweetLifeCoach says
JamieSh1 great question. NO there are no quotas or requirements at all for selling. You can certainly sign up for the discount (25%) on Shakeology and all products that ship forever if you’d like and not talk to a single soul. Beachbody (luckily) isn’t icky about being pushy or having sales quotas/etc.
IF you are interested in doing it just for the discount, you can get started here, and of course if you have questions contact me anytime: http://sweetlifefitness.net/go/coachapply/
Farazasiddiqui says
Hi, I live in the uk and as far as I know it is unavailable here. Would you be willing to ship it to me and I would happily pay for any added cost to shipping. Thanks Faraz
SweetLifeCoach says
Farazasiddiqui absolutely – most of my international clients use the forwarding service called myus.com – check that out and we can get you set up.
Farazasiddiqui says
SweetLifeCoach Ok great thanks. I had a look at the site and they want me to sign up with them and pay a membership fee to get a “MyUs” address. Should I do that and if so which membership do you recommend?
Thanks Faraz