I want to personally welcome you to Sweet Life Fitness. Just to be super clear, Sweet Life Fitness is a no hype, motivational site that I created to help people with their fitness and health goals. I am powered by Team Beachbody as a Team Beachbody Coach. I strongly believe in the products they provide, such as P90X and Focus T25, that helps people get actual results, from the comfort of their own home.
And Now It’s Time to Help YOU!
If you are like me, you may not be fond of the gym. In fact, before Sweet Life Fitness was ever created, I HATED fitness. Mainly because of the hype. You know, walk into a gym. See the big buff dudes and the girls running 5 miles in 2 minutes. It was intimidating, and a little annoying. How could I ever lose weight in this type of atmosphere? Then I found Beachbody. I guess you could say the rest is history, but that was the turning point that led my life to creating Sweet Life Fitness. I want to help thousands of people change their lives the right way, without intimidation or hype.
Getting Started with Sweet Life Fitness – What is your Next Step?
There are so many great options for you next. Don’t worry, we’ll break it down so it makes sense. Feel free to use one, or all, of the options that you feel best fit you in the current moment. As always, check us out on Facebook and say HI and connect with the Sweet Life Community.
- FREE Team Beachbody Account – Here you can access our insider community where we connect with Team Beachbody. This is where all of our coaches hang out, and where you can learn more about the popular at home programs. Not only that, special deals, giveaways, and magic happen with those who have Coach Bob Sharpe as their free coach on this platform.
- Our INSIDER Newsletter – If you already have a Team Beachbody Account, or you are new here and not ready for Team Beachbody, get the newsletter. This is a great way to get information on the newest tips and tricks and all things “Sweet Life”.
- Beachbody Challenge Group – This is where results begin. Any and all fitness results you see here with Sweet Life Fitness started with a Beachbody Challenge Group. Get yourself applied for the next private group. Only if you are ready to get results.
- Beachbody Coaching – IF you are a leader, or are interested in inspiring others (and yourself), consider joining Team Sweet Life Coaches. Here you can earn income either part-time or full-time from the comfort of your own schedule.
I look forward to sharing in your success and helping you here at Sweet Life Fitness!
Coach Bob Sharpe
*Results may vary from person to person as per their own capacity.
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