Photo credit freedigitalphotos.net by Marin
One of the best questions I get, which deserves a post and video dedicated to it is “WHAT ARE MACROS?” Now, for some of you who understand the nutrition components of a great diet, this post may be a bit basic. But regardless, do NOT make the mistake of dropping the ball on your P90X3, T25, or selected Fitness Program results by not following this information!
I really wish I would have known about what macros are and how they impact your fat loss or even muscle building abilities LONG ago. This is the big motivation behind why I’m bringing this post to you today!
So, what are macros after all?
First off, “macros” are short for macro-nutrients. Think of it like the “macro”, or, major nutrients that we need each day. They are:
- Proteins
- Carbohydrates
- Fats
There is actually a fourth macro-nutrient which is Alcohol. But alcohol isn’t associated with the three macro-nutrients listed above because it is not necessary for survival (at least, that is what the experts say LOL).
What are Macros – Succeed with your Fitness Program Today!
Watch today’s video on what are macros and how you can be a superstar in your fitness regimen today:
What do the Macros do for US?
The job of the three major macro-nutrients is to provide us with the best energy and muscle repair while reducing fat. In all of the Beachbody fitness programs, there are no unnecessary fad diets of the 80s and 90s which tricked the body into burning more body fat. Unfortunately it was a temporary loss and people always seem to pack the weight back on. You use ALL three major macro-nutrients in a healthy split as I mentioned above in the video. Too much of anything is bad for you. Too LITTLE of anything is also equally bad for you.
Macros provide energy, hormone support, muscle repair and growth, and essential nutrient transportation. Each gram of macro-nutrient provides a certain amount of calories (think: 4-4-9):
- Protein: 4 calories per gram
- Carbs: 4 calories per gram
- Fat: 9 calories per gram
Just because fat carries more calories than the other two macro-nutrients doesn’t mean to run away screaming from it! In fact, research shows that a good amount of fat in the diet can help BURN more fat and keep you lean and strong.
How can I become a “Macros” Master? – What are Macros

You can eat healthy, but it’s about the right blend and balance of macros that will take you to the next level
Here is my simple two step plan to become a Macros Master with your Beachbody Fitness Program!
Step #1 – Know what your Macros should BE
The first step to success is knowing your plan. Know how many proteins, carbs, and fats you need as a percentage of your daily calories. This will give you the best blend of energy, keep your insulin levels straight, and help you get the best results with your fitness program.
- Check out your fitness program’s nutrition guide (also use the search bar above on this site as I have a lot of resources for each of the nutrition guides within the Beachbody product line).
- Know what your macro-nutrients should be through the day (x% protein, x% carbs, and x% fats).
- If you aren’t on a fitness program yet, either GET ONE NOW or use my Calorie Deficit for Fat Loss calculator to get started.
A few good options to start with macros include:
- Fat Shredder Diet: 50% protein / 30% carbs / 20% fats. This is NOT a long-term and sustainable diet plan. Only use this until you start plateauing, then it’s time to move on to a longer term diet as listed next:
- Sustainable Diet: 30% protein / 40% carbs / 30% fats. This is my go-to diet when it comes to hitting the macros that will give me enough energy to burn fat in my workouts while also preserving muscle too. Win/win/win!
- Muscle Building: 25% protein / 50% carbs / 25% fats. You need carbs when you are “bulking” or otherwise building muscles. The carbs will provide energy while you lift heavier, then when you are ready to slim down on body fat to reveal your bigger muscles, go on Sustainable or Fat Shredder.
Step #2 – Plug it ALL IN
If I had a nickle for every time I mention this in a blog post here on Sweet Life Fitness, I’d probably have enough to buy a year supply of Shakeology (lol). But in all seriousness, if you aren’t (1) Tracking your Calories and (2) Meal Prepping in advance, you’ll have a tough time getting the results you deserve. Get serious, get consistent, and get RESULTS – you are worth it my friend!
So the next step is to click this link and learn how the heck to use this “MyFitnessPal” thing with your new knowledge of What are Macros!
I truly hope you found value in this post on “What are Macros”. If you are ready to take the next step, JOIN Sweet Life Fitness for FREE and let’s get the results we deserve together!
Be sure to Like this post below to show your support!
Yours in Fitness Success in being a master of What are Macros,
Coach Bob