Hey everyone this is Cristen and I wanted to give you my latest update on my 21 day fix transformation. I have now completed 4 rounds of 21 Day Fix and wanted to give an update of my progress and some things that I have learned along the way (see my first round results here: 21 Day Fix Results).
21 Day Fix Transformation Result Details
When I first started 21 Day Fix, I wasn’t sure if this was going to be another program I’d struggle with again. I’ve tried many programs and either they were too long, got REALLY boring, or just never seemed to work (ever feel like that??).
Well, after 12 weeks of 21 Day Fix (which is basically doing 4 rounds of the program), my 21 Day Fix transformation is:
- 15 total pounds lost!
- 15 inches total lost (6 from my waist, 5 from hips, and 2 from each thigh).
Following the 21 Day Fix workouts day by day and the nutrition plan is what helped the most.

Results after 4 rounds of 21 Day Fix
So how did I do this?
- Followed the workouts day by day. At first I modified where I needed to, and then as I felt more energetic I would always push myself to the next limit.
- Followed the meal plan daily using the containers that are provided with the kit.
- Drank Shakeology daily as well. This is a great way to fit in a red container and 2-3 teaspoons per day (per the provided meal plan). Mixing Chocolate Shakeology with natural peanut butter was my daily tasty snack, and the vitamins in it really gave me noticeable energy.
- When I hit a plateau around round 2, I realized I was eating my purple and yellow containers close to bedtime. I followed the guide and had all purple/yellow finished by 6:00 PM which helped big time.
I finally found “the one” that helped me. Why Not You?

Happier. More Confident. Comfortable in Clothes…thank you 21 Day Fix!
Me and my husband (Coach Bob, the guy that runs this site) are so passionate about helping others achieve their goals. If you are thinking of doing this program and starting your own 21 Day Fix transformation, let us help! We can get you into our motivating community online during your 21 Day Fix journey. We are like a family in there and support each other without salesy garbage or making you feel incompetent. We lift people up!
Get the exact kit that I got that helped me get the 21 Day Fix transformation that you see above.
We will also include two FREE Bonuses:
(1) 21 Day Fix Plyo bonus DVD workout and
(2) Our Meal Recipe Shred e-book to help you align your nutrition with your transformation.
Also, you’ll get the first month of Shakeology nutrition and free entry into our online support group. Click the image to get started with us (note: it will say “Bob Sharpe” as your referring coach, but both of us will add you into our online group).
My 21 Day Fix Transformation Video Review
Want to see more? Check out my video here:
I think the big difference that led to my 21 Day Fix transformation is the short 30 minute workouts that can be modified along with the simple to follow nutrition plan. Eating right was ALWAYS my downfall, and I didn’t want to have to change my diet to all kinds of things like macro-tracking and counting calories. This program is not anything like that junk. As long as it fits into the color-coded containers (based on the fruits, protein, and veggies you need each day), you are good to go! You can even have things like wine for dinner. This is NOT a restrictive diet system.
21 Day Fix Transformation – The Meal Plan
I love love love how this meal plan is set up. I am horrible at tracking calories and making sure I get everything in each day that I need. Having these containers each day took out all

Believe it or not – it’s more than it looks like! And you eat like a human too hehe
the guess work and having to track. It’s as easy as figuring out your total calorie intake and matching it to how many of each container you need each day. Then just fill the containers with the correct foods and eat. I eat all day long to the point where my hubby kept asking me if it was in the plan because I was eating so much! And who doesn’t love to eat?
The biggest thing I learned how to do was meal prep and plan. I was horrible before with taking the time to really think about eating or what I was eating, if it was the right thing to fuel my body. I knew what I needed to eat but it wasn’t always easy to grab on the go. With a toddler in tow, on the go is a necessity.
At the beginning of the week, I would take the time to cut up fresh veggies and put into baggies sized to half a green container so I could quick grab 2 for a snack or lunch. I would make some chicken salad with Greek yogurt instead of mayo to eat for lunch, dipping with celery sticks instead of using it in a sandwich.
I became better at meal planning for dinner as well. Before starting this program, every afternoon about 4pm, I would start to think about what to make for dinner and throw some things together last minute. In my planning for the week/day, I had to figure dinner into my containers so there was more planning involved and thinking ahead of time what to make and to make sure we had enough on hand. We also found some healthier versions of our favorite foods and I even made some homemade dressings for our salad that we liked better than the store bought ones.
21 Day Fix Transformation – The Workouts
I grew to enjoy almost every day of the workout schedule. My favorite became Dirty 30, which works every part of your body and just makes you feel good when you are done. I kept track of a few of my reps and was able to do more reps of some of the moves, like the Surrenders in Total Body Cardio. I am now able to do 90% of them without leaning on my one knee to stand back up. Other moves, I found myself using heavier weights on and using the heavy ones when she did.
I was modifying fewer moves and found them easier to do the actual move than trying to modify it. I also loved when the Pilates and Yoga days came around. Stretching everything back out on those days always feels good after working my body so hard the other 5 days.
I am enjoying the new version of myself that is constantly changing each day thanks to my 21 day fix transformation.
NOTE: I am pulling clothes out of my clothes that have not seen the light of day in a long time and others I have pulled out FOR GOOD because they are getting too big!! It is such a great feeling. I feel healthier and am noticing that my self-confidence is increasing as well. I am feeling more comfortable in my own skin and I keep moving forward each day towards my goal.
Start your 21 Day Fix Transformation with Me!
If you have some of the same feelings I did that nothing fits any more, you just look frumpy or your clothes are too tight and not comfy any more, I urge you to join us in our free support groups and we will get to a better self together! We offer each other support, tips and tricks and food tips to get to where we deserve to be to feel healthy again. If you are looking for something like that, check more into what 21 Day Fix is and join us on your journey to a new, healthier, and better you! It starts with the first day, the first pound, and the first inch. Click the image below to get started.
Yours in Fitness Success,
Coach Cristen with Team Sweet Life Fitness