I love working the biceps. I love working the abs. But the Back?? I never really cared much about the back, because of my dumb ego thinking it’s all about the arms and abs (boy have I learned a lot in the last 4 years!). Today I am sharing my Body Beast Bulk Back Review, and how this short 29 minute workout is quickly becoming one of my favorites.
Recently I have been getting into the latest American Ninja Warrior craze on TV. That show really fires me up and my hat goes off to all of those athletes for the incredible efforts they put into this fun and daring event. It reminds me of a Spartan Race on steroids!

Katie is my hero in American Ninja Warrior! This chick knows what’s up! (C)2014 NBC
With American Ninja Warrior, I’ve noticed that each day I watch it, I push harder in my Body Beast workouts. There must be some type of cosmic brain power going on there that gets me thinking about Body Beast Bulk Back like it’s some type of Ninja Warrior event!
Body Beast Bulk Back Review of the Moves
The best part of the Body Beast Bulk Back Review is that this is only a 29 minute workout! I don’t know about you, but time is a factor in my daily life. The nice thing about the Bulk Series in Body Beast is that the workouts are super short. Body Beast 1, Long Drives to the Gym 0.
For Body Beast Bulk Back, you need a different mix-up of equipment. A chin-up bar, curl bar (optional), dumbbells, and a bench or stability ball.
I’ll be honest and say for a majority of today’s moves I used the stability ball. The reason I did this is because I wanted to work my stabilizer muscles a bit (lower back and my core) while I worked the back. Why NOT?
Here are the moves and sets you’ll see in the Body Beast Bulk Back review:
Pull-Over – This is the move I decided to use the stability ball on. I tried the Bench during Week 1 of Bulk Phase, but I honestly LOVE the flexibility and added strength requirement that the stability ball provides. (Weight: 15 reps at 25 pounds, 12 reps at 40 pounds, 8 reps at 50 pounds, drop set at 40 pounds).

Pull Overs on a stability ball! – Body Beast Bulk Back review
Pull-Up – I still suck a bit at pull-ups (hey, we all have our weaknesses right?). My goal is to continue to work on these, and within 2 weeks of doing Body Beast Bulk Back, I was able to really focus in on improving my pull-ups thanks to my strengthened lat muscles & shoulder muscles.
Reverse Grip Row – For this move they use the EZ Curl Bar. I have one of these but for this particular move I found it effective to use my dumbbells. This is my own preference, so it is totally up to you what you decide to use. (Weight: 15 reps at 15 pounds, 12 reps at 25 pounds, 8 reps at 40 pounds)

Reverse Grip Bent over Rows (Progressive Set)
One-Arm Row – Dang this one burns me out! Nothing like a force set to rip apart your life dreams (not literally LOL). I used 40 pounds throughout the entire move. I can see where people could accidentally use their triceps and shoulders for most of the force on this one, so be aware of that and use your lat muscle. If for whatever reason you have NO CLUE what the heck I mean by the lat muscle, it’s that little muscle that rests right below your shoulder blade.
Deadlift – I love the deadlift for many reasons. Most importantly, it can seriously help develop your lower supporting abs and obliques more than ever (just be sure to focus on them when you come up to the top of the move). (Weight: 15 reps at 15 pounds, 12 reps at 25 pounds, 8 reps at 40 pounds).
Reverse Fly – Good old reverse fly! This one works the upper back and the back of your shoulders. I have to say that I really need to work harder on this move. I used 8 pounds and 15 pounds and was crying like a little girl. I have no clue what is up with my shoulders and upper back. Time to get to WORK!
Plank Rotation – It wouldn’t be a Body Beast workout without some abs thrown in there as well. I decided to take it easy this time around and use 8 pound weights to focus more on my obliques and form. Sometimes the form will give you better gains and strength than just heavier weight!

Plank Rotation move to close out the Body Beast Bulk Back Review
So that is my Body Beast Bulk Back review in a nutshell. Are you doing Body Beast? If you are and are not already part of our amazing Team Sweet Life Fitness community, join us for free! Tips, tricks, shenanigans, and fun all rolled up into our private online group!
Also, if you enjoyed my Body Beast Bulk Back review, share it with others using the buttons below!
Yours in Fitness Success,
Coach Bob