P90X3 took notes from it’s ancestors P90X and P90X2. It is the best of both worlds, only accelerated! Let’s face it, the biggest reason people don’t like to do P90X (even though it has proven success stories) is TIME.
We all live busy lives, and working out for 1 hour per day is not only unappealing, it’s hard to fit in.
P90X3 crushes the time excuse. This workout is only 30 minutes per day from the comfort of your own home. Put it in the DVD player, press play, and get it done faster and more efficient.
X3 is a Total Breakthrough!!
P90X3 is NOT a “graduate” program of P90X or P90X2 (meaning that it is not necessarily “harder”). P90X3 is the concepts and intelligence of the P90X system, only accelerated.
Who is P90X3 for?
Are you a beginner wondering if you can do P90X3 without doing P90X or P90X2? The answer is YES! With condensed workouts (30 minutes per day), you will get a great workout in with less time. It won’t be easier, it will just be less time!
You can choose between FOUR P90X3 workout schedules: Classic, Lean, Doubles, and Bulk. If you are just starting off, I recommend going with the Lean Schedule. If you want the hardcore P90X version, go with Classic. If you are someone who wants to build muscle, go with Bulk!
Check out this video for more information on the new P90X3 (can’t see it? Click here):
More information on P90X3
Muscle acceleration explained
Many P90X fans were hooked on the science of muscle confusion – which introduced variety to the workouts and prevented plateauing. X3 takes a hint from that success and from studies showing the most dramatic body transformations happen within the first 30 minutes of exercise. Enter muscle acceleration, a Tony Horton-approved highly-structured schedule with an incredibly high level of intensity and an unprecedented variety of moves. The gurus behind P90X3 combined exercises and added some twists to maximize your time and keep every muscle challenged for a full 30 minutes.
Say goodbye to boredom
Which brings us to the fun-factor. Host, world-renown fitness legend, Tony Horton does not disappoint. With his witty one-liners and can-do mantras, he’ll simultaneously have you laughing and fired-up to bust out that final rep. Along with the constant entertainment, P90X3 has the most workouts of any Beachbody program. With 16 workouts in the base kit, they switch it up before you have a chance to consider boredom. From cardio to strength to Pilates to MMX, there is something for everyone.
Learn more about P90X3 Information: Click Here
What do you GET with P90X3?
Each P90X3 package comes with the following (this is considered the “base”). If you want serious results, get the Deluxe, Ultimate, or Challenge Pack options below.
- P90X3 Workouts: 16 Different Workouts
- Fitness Guide
- Nutrition Guide
- 90 Day Workout Calendar
- How to Accelerate Intro DVD
- 24/7 Online Support
PLUS, when ordered here through Sweet Life Fitness, you get these FREE Bonuses included:
- P90X One-on-One DVD Workout: On One Leg
- Personalized Support from Coach Bob Sharpe with Sweet Life Fitness. Ask questions, chat, and fun, and join our private support group.
Buy P90X3 – The Packages and Challenges
Find the BEST program package for you. If you are serious about getting results, join our Challenge Group by getting a Challenge Pack (below). All challenge packs come with additional support and motivation by Coach Bob Sharpe. This also includes personalized nutrition support, fitness tips, and focused attention to get you results.
All programs come with a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee! After comparing which one best suits what you need, click on the package below to order through the secure ordering system.
Antronab15 says
is there any way to get a challenge pack with the deluxe kit?
SweetLifeCoach says
Antronab15 Unfortunately no. But, if you are interested in the challenge pack, I often run promos and could definitely extend it to you to help you out as long as you are US/Canada based. Contact me on FB (http://sweetlifefitness.net/contact/) and we can chat about the details so you can get the best options for what you are looking for.
Manny Perez says
Tony thanx your awesome!!!!!!!
Coach Bob says
He’s the man for sure!
cory says
I have been eye balling both of these workout’s and i’m still really not sure which once would be best, my knees are not the best so i’m afraid that if i get either one that i will not be able to hold up to either one, i have also thought about the t35, i do work out, walk, ride bikes, and do other dvd’s but i want to tone up more and not sure where to go now to get the best effective results to where my body can hold up.
Coach Bob says
Thanks for stopping by Cory! I would say that T25 might be a bit rough on the knees, from my own personal experience, based on the higher impact jumping, fast turning/etc. While P90X3 has a bit of that in the CVX and MMX workouts, the majority of the workouts focus on overall funtional fitness so you can get the best results from chest to legs to abs versus just a cardio-based program – if that helps?
Let me know what other questions you have
jeffrey67 says
Hi Bob, I’m on the third week of block 3 of this program, and most of these workouts are still kicking my butt, I am getting results, but shouldn’t these workouts get easier?
SweetLifeCoach says
jeffrey67 that is an awesome question. First off – great job on rocking P90X3 and progressing to Block 3!
And the simple answer to your question is – technically NO, they should not get easier
Here’s the deal: when you first start off you might have a lot of soreness, pain, etc. But as you get more fit, lean, ripped, and add muscle, your strength goes up. But in order to take it to the next level, you have to continue to push the envelope each and every day. You do that you’ll not only get the great 90 day results, but you’ll continue to look like a rockstar for life.
Definitely keep me posted on your progress!
-Coach Bob
jeffrey67 says
Hey Bob,
Just finished x3, I’m down, a total, of 45lbs. not too bad for a guy that was overweight, and diagnosed a type 2 diabetes, and was in the hospital for 3 days with multiple blood clots in my lungs..
I’m really not sure where to go from here.. I no longer have a gym membership.. I’m not sure if I should try body beast or do another round of x3..
Thank you for your support!
Jeff Krueger
SweetLifeCoach says
jeffrey67 dude INCREDIBLE!!! What an awesome story for sure – contact me: http://sweetlifefitness.net/contact/ as I want to be sure you are set up with some recognition for your work.
What is your next big goal now that are you are doing with X3? Are you wanting to add more muscle? If so definitely either X3 or Body Beast (Body Beast will be more focused to be honest).
Travis86 says
When will/do you plan on getting some more of the p90x3 ultimate kits back in stock?
SweetLifeCoach says
Travis86 should be up within the next month!
SHolmes says
is the P90X3 app the same as the dvds?
Alan says
Hi Bob, I’m 46 and wanting to lose 100lbs. Can I get the same results with P90X or do I need to get P90X3? What kind of equipment do I need to work out at home?
SweetLifeCoach says
@SHolmes thanks for stopping by! The P90X3 app is to help track your workouts, reps, etc. You would still need the DVDs, or if you are looking to save you can get it on demand which allows you to stream the workouts and entire program via WiFi: http://sweetlifefitness.net/fitness-programs/beachbody-on-demand/
SweetLifeCoach says
@Alan thanks for stopping by! You can get the same results with P90X or P90X3, but speaking from my own experience, I have found P90X3 to be more effective for my time. 30 minutes per day was easier to both do and stick with in the daily business of life.
As far as equipment is concerned, feel free to check out http://sweetlifefitness.net/p90x3-equipment/ for some details!
Arc1994 says
Hi bob! I am almost 22, and I am new to fitness. I have been trying to get into fitness from 20 but had no idea where to start.
Recently I l got hold of both P90X3 and Body beast, and I am following a Hybrid routine of them both. Please give me your feedback.
Ps. I am an extremely skinny hard gainer (barely 110 lbs)
Here is a link to the schedule I am following, If you want to check it out;
Benjie says
Hey Bob, I just watched your videos on YouTube about P90X3. I am a college student who has his hands full with many different responsibilities and have been looking for a good way to workout without heading to the gym. I have a small area that would be good for P90X3, but prices can hold me back like any college student. I also eat from the cafeteria so I want to know how I can prepare for P90X3 if I wish to buy it and lose some weight to gain some muscle. I gained 15-20lbs since June of this year alone and am starting to feel the repercussions. I also take a medicine that boosts my weight gain. What do you recommend?
SweetLifeCoach says
@Benjie I definitely need to make a video about this for sure. The biggest point is eat as clean as you can in the college areas. They do have options but sometimes you have to know where and how to find them (grilled chicken, brown rice – stay away from processed foods, sugars, and soda and you’ll be 80% of the way towards your results!). Of course if you do choose to get it through here I’ll be assigned as your coach and you’ll get access to our private page too so that we can chat through each day.
PJL says
Hi Bob,
I did P90X 2 years ago and lost 81lbs. I liked the format of P90X, I found p90X was easy to follow, but not so much in P90X2. Is p90X3 the same format as P90X? I would like to lose 20 more lbs. Where can I read up on P90X3 in detail?
SweetLifeCoach says
@PJL WOW 81 pounds that is amazing WAY TO GO!!!!!! P90X3 is in the similar format of the original P90X (and yes I know what you mean regarding the flow of X2). TO check out more on X3, see my P90X3 Review here on the site: http://sweetlifefitness.net/p90x3-review/
Issa Chmaitelli says
Dear Coach Bob,
As you might recall as I posted recently o your “Don’t be fooled” for P90 X3, I am looking to get into P90 X3 and use Shakeology as my only form of supplementation as I’m not a huge fan of the constant use of supplements as I’m not still 100% sold on their cost effectiveness and I’ve heard a lot of negative stuff about pre workout and other similar supplements so I do not want to even dabble with them. So my question for you is I’m trying to get as much workout for as little as possible and get the most bang for my buck. I’ve been considering buying the Base wit and the elite workouts separately and buy and attach a ceiling mounted chin up bar in my garage and set up my own mats and other supplies. All and all it’s more expensive so my question for you is it better to use the chin up bar that comes with the ultimate or a large ceiling mount is more optimal? I’m really having trouble deciding what package to buy because I want to be as cost effective as I can with out the need for having to send more for things that I’m not even going to use.
Thanks you for your time and I appreciate your help.
SweetLifeCoach says
Issa Chmaitelli Thanks for the info in your post, that helps me in getting you set for success. I do remember your post, and what I would recommend for the biggest bang for your buck is Beachbody on Demand. Now this would only work if you are cool with streaming it over your WiFi (laptop/iPad/phone/Smart TV/RoKu/Amazon Fire). The cool thing about it is that you’ll get BOTH X3 and X3 Elite workouts together plus a bunch of other stuff…FREE for 30 days, and then just $39 every 3 months (you could keep it for a year and still not spend as much as buying the base kit straight up).
That way you can have more money set aside for the ceiling chin up bar and mats and what not. Check out the details: http://teamsweetlifefitness.com/beachbody-on-demand/
Coach Bob
Issa Chmaitelli says
Oh wow I didn’t know something like this even existed! So with this you can stream any and every Beach body program whenever you want? And would it also include the meal plans and whatnot for each of the programs or is that something you only get by purchasing the program itself?
SweetLifeCoach says
Issa Chmaitelli yes indeed you’ll get the program guide, nutrition guide, X3 base, X3 elite all on demand. It also has P90X, P90X2, INSANITY, Brazil Butt Lift, and more!