Are you looking for reliable P90X3 Information? Below you will find 21 useful facts about the new P90X3 workout program. Only 30 minutes per day and a whole lot of fun, P90X3 stands to be a rival to it’s original predecessor P90X!
21 X-treme Facts about P90X3 Information! – The Basics
1. P90X3 is 30 minutes long! That’s it!!
2. P90X3 is a completely separate program from P90X or P90X2. This isn’t a harder workout than P90X or P90X2. This is simply a shorter workout. (See P90X vs P90X3)
3. Beginners can use P90X3 to start!
4. There are 16 workouts in the P90X3 Base System.
5. The Deluxe Package has 4 extra workouts, bringing a total of 20 DVDs to P90X3.
P90X3 Information – The Warm-Ups
6. P90X3 has just 2 minutes of warm-up routine followed by 28 minutes of workout.
7. There is a “Cold Start” DVD specific to warming-up if you need extra warm-up due to the day, etc.
P90X3 Equipment
8. The equipment you need for P90X3 includes weights or bands (and a pull-up bar is always a good thing like in P90X, but optional)
Other Important P90X3 Information – Points 9-21
9. The P90X3 Nutrition Guide is easy to follow and goes back to the Power 90 concept of healthy eating.
10. P90X3 has a new Pilates-based workout!
11. A New Strength/Balance/Flexibility workout is included (Isometrics without the static holding). This is great for muscle development.
12. Cardiovascular Extreme (CVX) is included. This is cardio with weights and helps accelerate fat loss and muscle building at the same time.
13. P90X3 has an MMX video. This stands for Mixed Martial Arts Extreme, and is a more expanded version of Kenpo X (in P90X).
14. Agility focus with the Agility X DVD is also included.
15. As always, Yoga is included in P90X3 (Tony is a huge supporter of Yoga). But Guess What?? It’s only 30 minutes long. Not 1 1/2 hours like it was in P90X.
16. ABS: Ab moves are, of course, included. Most of the moves are athletic-focused and front-facing versus being on your back.
17. Schedules: There are 4 different schedules you can follow in X3: Classic, Lean, Doubles, or Bulk.
18. Moves: The moves in P90X3 usually go from Beginner, to in-Between, to a Challenging/Hard move in each set.
19. 39 out of 40 people who participated in the test group lost 10% of body fat. This is impressive considering 10% of body fat in just 3 months is a hard feat for anyone. See the photo below for some before and after results from the test group:
20. P90X3 is based on studies stating that the first 30 minutes of an exercise is the most effective for fat loss, calorie burning, and muscle building. P90X3 adopts this science and accelerates it in 30 minutes per day.
21. P90X3 vs P90X or P90X2: You will see some similar moves from X and X2. However, you will also see some new moves to keep you challenged while also helping beginners accelerate their results like the people in the picture above did.
I hope this P90X3 Information was helpful to you. If you have any questions, just comment below and I’ll be sure to get back to you right away.
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Thanks for visiting Sweet Life Fitness. Have an awesome time with P90X3
Yours in Fitness Success,
Coach Bob Sharpe
*Results may vary from person to person per their own capacity.