With the P90 Workout Program now available, I have been getting a few questions on the nutrition plan. Luckily with a program like P90, eating right isn’t a crazy science at all. Check out the tips and details on the P90 Nutrition Guide today, and as always comment below with any questions you may have.
Not yet doing P90? Learn more about what it is by clicking here. Or if you are ready to get your P90, get the best deal on the fitness program, free online support group with Sweet Life, and Shakeology at a discount by clicking the banner now:
Use this calculator to plug in your statistics to first figure out how many calories you should be eating daily while doing the P90 Workout.
P90 Nutrition Guide Important Tips
Some of the most important tips that I have learned when you are first starting off with the P90 Nutrition Guide includes:
- TRACKING – If I don’t track what I’m eating each day, it always throws me for a loop. Learn How to use MyFitnessPal for free, and aim to always hit your desired calories per day.
CAN’T EAT THAT MANY CALORIES – If you find yoruself stuck and you can’t seem to eat the required calories as calculated above, try eating more for breakfast, and plan ahead! I find that when I prep my meals to hit my targets in advance, I always win. If you are struggling for snacks, try something healthy like Shakeology which is around $4.33/day (billed and shipped monthly) and provides essential vitamins and nutrients to aid in fat loss.
Tony himself also has some very high quality suggestions within the P90 Nutrition Guide:
- Eat Less Than you Burn – This is why the difference between the “Maintenance Calories” and your P90 Calorie target is around 500 calories less than you need. Don’t go lower than that, as that can actually work against you.
- Stick to a Schedule – Don’t skip meals for no reason. Follow a consistent eating schedule from morning to night,a nd eat every 2-3 hours when you are first starting out.
- Hydrate and Cleanse your Body by Drinking Water – Drinking water to lose weight is so important. The body is over 60% water, so keep the tank full!
- Pay Attention to Everything you Eat – depending on what you eat, your body uses it to burn or store fat. It also can impact your mood positively or negatively. This is why I also recommend checking out the Good Carbs vs Bad Carbs when it comes to the right carb-based foods you should eat.
- Control Your Portions – don’t eat until you are full, eat until you are no longer hungry. This is why tracking your food, as I mention above, is also very important. You want the results that you deserve, so don’t ignore the P90 Nutrition Guide!
- Don’t Undereat – undereating causes leptin levels to drop, which can lead to even more fat storage as your body’s protection mechanism. If you are on your calorie deficit and your fat loss as stalled, try increasing your intake by a couple hundred calories (I always aim for around 200). This always works like magic and almost always starts burning more fat.
I hope you found value out of this P90 Nutrition Guide. If you did, LIKE it below and share it with others.
Most importantly, if you aren’t connected with me and the Sweet Life Fitness team, join us for free!! We can keep you motivated through your P90 journey while you get the results you deserve.
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Yours in Fitness Success,
Coach Bob
Have additional questions on the P90 Nutrition Guide? Comment below and let’s chat!
Jasonl says
where can i find the p90 nutrition foods i ordered p90 and it should arrive at my house tomorrow and i know it comes with it but id like to go grocery shopping and get the foods i need
SweetLifeCoach says
@Jasonl you can find most of it with your teambeachbody.com account, and also feel free to check out my typical foods that I eat that align with the P90 workout here: http://sweetlifefitness.net/meal-prep-for-21-day-fix/