Ah yes, P90X3 Day 3 X3 Yoga. I think before we dig into my Day 3 review, all of us who did P90X need to be honest about something. P90X Yoga X was HARD and way too long (do you agree with me)? While most P90X workouts were 1 hour long, Yoga X was a painstaking 1 hour and 30 minutes long.
And what should we be honest about here? Well, the consistency of SKIPPING P90X Yoga X. If you’ve done P90X before, c’mon….you know you skipped it once, twice, 13 times!
Will P90X3 X3 Yoga be the same? After all, it is just 30 minutes per workout. I’ll explain how I feel in just a moment. First, let me get to my P90X3 Day 3 X3 Yoga review!
P90X3 Day 3 X3 Yoga – My Fitness Journey Review
So far I love P90X3. After completing Total Synergistics and Agility X, I’m sorer than I (think) I’ve ever been with P90X. I’ve started growing a new love for being sore. The reason I have this love is that I know that a few things are happening:
- My muscles are growing
- I’m BRINGING IT in my P90X3 workouts
- I’m improving my life!
After my soreness from the first two days, I was happy to dive into Yoga to stretch and work on my ever-so “in need of improvement” balance.
With P90X3 Day 3 X3 Yoga, you will complete a lot of the Yoga moves from the original P90X. But, I find that they go much faster, are more focused, and don’t take 1 ½ hours (High Five anyone?)
The type of Yoga that is performed in X3 Yoga is Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Hatha yoga moves (for any Yoga fans out there). Moves in X3 Yoga include:
- Warrior 1, 2 and Reverse Warrior
- Crow (similar to the old Crane move)
- Tree
- Upward Dog
- Downward Dog
One of the biggest suggestions I have for those on P90X3 Day 1 X3 Yoga, is to focus on taking it slow to improve your balance. If you are like me, and sometimes stumble and fumble during the moves, I really take it slow and focus my energy on the muscles that are supporting me (quads, core, etc).
I think the reason people hate Yoga so much is because it’s tough. It’s tough because it is enhancing your muscle balance (and this is why I kick myself when I realize how much I used to skip the original Yoga X).
P90X3 Day 3 X3 Yoga – Nutrition
Nutrition continues to go well. I fluctuate between 2400-2700 calories per day. Today I did not take my Pre-Workout and Post-Workout supplements (E&E and P90X Results and Recovery Formula). The reason being is that Yoga doesn’t always burn as many calories as doesn’t require as much power as the other days require. I will pick up these supplements again tomorrow for P90X3 “The Challenge!”
Thanks for checking out my P90X3 Day 3 X3 Yoga update. Are you doing P90X3? Why not join me, let me help Coach you and together we will all succeed?
Get P90X3 Here and then be sure to request access to our private P90X3 Challenge Facebook page (only once you have me as your Coach).
If you don’t have me as your Coach yet, and already have P90X3, check out this page to get started.
Yours in Fitness Success,
Coach Bob Sharpe
DanKar73 says
Hi Coach Bob..how are you?
Kindly I need ur advise and help..
I just finished T25 and am going to start P90X3..Please I have some inquiries :
am 180 cm tall and 170 pound now
I finished T25 and i still have little belly and little love handles and I still cant reach my toes without bending my knees (to be honest i skipped the stretching part)
what am confused with now:
-Shall I start P90X3 now or shall i have find a way to get flexible before i begin?
many of the workout i will not make it perfect coz am not flexible ..i reached the Xyoga(day3),,but i couldn’t do any of the moves
plz advise me what to do and what you advise ?
SweetLifeCoach says
DanKar73 Thanks for stopping by and first off, great job on T25! I totally understand the love handles and belly, but don’t let P90X3 push you off track, it can definitely help with those goals. Ideally with X3 Yoga, sharing from my own experience, in the first block I couldn’t do many of the moves (I struggle a lot with Balance and flexibility). But push through the frustration and the tough parts, it could actually benefit you greatly!
I would use X3 as that vehicle to get more flexible, no need to find something else beforehand. It won’t be always easy, but stick with it through good and bad and you will see improvements. After 90 Days I was finally able to hold the Warrior 3 move…I have NEVER been able to do that!
Definitely keep me posted on your journey!
DanKar73 says
Thanks a lot for your reply and help..
I will try to hold on X3 Yoga to the end ..even if i cant..
as for yesterday (the challenge)…i didnt expect that at all !! its tooo hard.
i started with (20) pushup..and for the pull ups (10 with chair assistance..i put my right leg on the chair and started the workout ) is this ok as a start..i couldnt do even do one full pull up .
after 15 min ..i couldnt hold for the 20 pushup ..i reached 15
so shall i keep going like this or shall i make the pushups 15 and keep the pullups as is?
what do you think?
thanking you again for you help and support..
SweetLifeCoach says
DanKar73 Ready???
My first week: 3 pull-ups (w/assist) / 6 push-ups!!!! So be proud of that goal of 20, that is impressive. The goal is to do your very best. Even if you can’t hold the 20 push ups, or 15 push ups, or whatever your goal is, go until you fail, and then go down to your knees and finish them up.
The nice thing is, you are making results happen! They hurt at first, and they can be frustrating, but results are coming. See my first experience with The Challenge: (http://sweetlifefitness.net/p90x3-day-4-the-challenge/).
Thanks! Keep BRINGING IT!