Today it was time to push play on my next P90X3 workout. If the Challenge workout didn’t give enough of a pump, with a name like Incinerator, you just have to know you’re in for a ride! Today I’m providing my P90X3 Incinerator Review along with some tips along the way.
The basic concept of the P90X3 Incinerator workout is to burn you out. The title of this post is “YOU WILL FAIL” – that is the goal!
Most workouts just try to give you a sweat fest. That is why I used to hate exercise. The incinerator on the other hand has the goal to burn you out to failure. This is good because when you push yourself to a point where your body can no longer do a move, then you’ll experience faster fat loss, leaner muscle tone, and muscle gains (if you are aiming for gains).
P90X3 Incinerator Review Difficulty
The difficulty of the P90X3 Incinerator workout is really based on how difficult you make it! If you take the P90X3 worksheets seriously and write down your reps and weight, you can up the intensity or adjust as necessary.
Combining weight resistance with max-rep body weight exercises are definitely going to burn you out, regardless of how heavy your weight is. If you max your weight (to what you can handle safely) with body weight, you’ll not only get a great pump and carve your muscles, but get a great fat burn as well!
P90X3 Incinerator Workout Moves
I started with the basic P90X3 warm-up (remember you can always use the cold start if you wish). The workout has 18 exercises and a long 2 minute burnout round (whew).
What I like is that you focus on a particular muscle group until failure, as I mention above. For example, the first move focuses on the back and lats muscles. I think it is absolutely brilliant that you don’t just throw around a bunch of weights; you do a mix of weights with body resistance!
Renegade Row – I used 25 pound weights on this workout. My tip for balancing (since I stink at balance) is to place the feet a bit wider and when one arm is up rowing, push the other down to stabilize.
Pull-Ups – after crushing your latissimus dorsi (lats) with renegade row, it’s time to cry doing some pull-ups. If you are feeling worn out like I did after some strong renegade rows, consider using something like a chair or Chin-Up Max to crank out some good pull-ups.
Floor Flys – You basically fly one arm out while doing push-ups. Don’t hurt your shoulders! Be sure to keep a slight bend on the elbow. I felt during the first week of P90X3 Incinerator that I wasn’t keeping a bend on the elbow and my shoulders started working harder than my pec muscles.
Push-ups – Simple standard push-ups here. Keep your body straight to get the best form during this exercise.
Rocket Launcher Row – Did you ever hear Tony say not to “Kip” during a workout? This means using other parts of your body to accomplish the move. Doing a kip for a rocket launcher row usually means you are using your lower back. Don’t hurt your lower back, reduce your weight and keep a balanced base of support here (see: P90X Lower Back Pain)

A Press Move with 25 pound dumbbells
Chin-ups – This will work both your lats and your biceps beautifully. I never realized how awesome my biceps would be burned out.
“A” Press – I thought this is was great exercise move. You take dumbbells while lying on the ground and push them up in an “A” from your sides to the peak at the top of your body. I usually don’t recommend increasing weight a lot, but for this one I was actually able to cleanly do these with 40 pound dumbbells. I’ll tell you, those are the small victories that really make a big difference in your X3 journey.
Military Push-Ups – even Tony said these are hard during P90X3 Incinerator. Keep those elbows close and pray to get through it! Those triceps burn me up during this move, it’s incredible.

Monkey Pump move with 8 pound dumbbells. Still a killer!
Monkey Pump – This is the light weight workout move. Tony mentions that he WORKED his way up to 15 pounds. No doubt dude, no doubt! This is a great move for the shoulders, and reminds me of the scarecrow moves you see in P90X a lot.
Pike Press – As if your shoulders aren’t crying yet, P90X3 Incinerator review brings you the Pike Press. I have had struggles with this in the past due to my height (my legs are super long compared to my upper body). But even with modification I make a focus to burn my shoulders and make this move happen as much as possible.
Pterodactyl Flys – I decided to lower my weight a bit during this move (forget your ego, right?). The goal was to focus on the form and be slow and in control. As a result I felt my muscles working so much better.
Flipper – In this move your shoulders move past your elbows, and this is a hard move in my opinion. I feel as though my elbows are turning out every time I do the flipper move, which makes it very interesting.
Popeye Hammer Curls – Woo-Hoo, some biceps now! Curl the weight/band up to your shoulders using your bicep and forearm.
Kneeler Curls – This move intensifies the biceps. You lean over your bent knee as you kneel down and curl up the biceps. I tried doing 25 pound weights for this and they worked out very well (worked my way up to 25s from 15s when I first started P90X).

P90X3 Incinerator Arm Hammer Curl move
Hail to the Chief – Great tricep move, where you use one arm at a time while lying down literally “hailing” to a chief lol. This is one of those “don’t smash your face” routines.
Skyfers – Great move for your triceps. You are on teh floor with knees bent and you lift your hips off the floor and bend both elbows while you keep your hips high.
Arm and Hammer – Two different biceps moves, from the typical curl to the outward hammer curl, which can prove to be a bit harder than the typical curl. I loved this one, especially the focus on biceps and hammer curls (glamour muscles!)
Rocket Launcher Kickbacks – Final triceps an upper arm move. You move forward in a lunge, keep your elbows high and keep them up, while kicking your arms back and up. Amazing tricep burner!
By now, you know all about why they call it the P90X3 Incinerator workout! It literally incinerates every upper body muscle you have.
My Final Thoughts on P90X3 Incinerator Review
When I first plugged into the P90X3 Diet Plan, I was worried about eating 2700 calories with more carbs than protein. My mind was conditioned on the old P90X Fat Shredder diet of 50% protein and only 30% carbs. But during P90X3 Incinerator especially, I realized why we eat more calories and more carbs:
You Need the Energy: this can be dangerous though. Carbs give you energy, and the calories keep you balanced so you can get toned and ripped. But that means I have to BRING IT. If I’m going to be eating like this, I need to push myself to meet these goals.
Metabolism Cannibalism: When you aren’t eating enough and you start to get hungry, you start cannibalizing your muscles. This happened to me during my P90X2 journey in 2012. I was skinny as a rail with no muscle definition. Fail!
Anyway, I hope this P90X3 Incinerator Review was enjoyable. If you have any questions, comment below!
Want even more? Check out my full P90X3 Review as well!
Yours in Success,
Coach Bob
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