Today I’m sharing my P90X3 Total Synergistics Review. I have officially completed block 1 of P90X3 (the first 30 days), and I’m excited to share this review with all of you. You can also check out my first day experience on P90X3 Day 1 where I review Total Synergistics from a “Day one” perspective.
On the P90X3 Schedule for Classic, Doubles, and Mass, this will be your first workout. Also, the famous Drea Weber returns for P90X3 (she makes a few appearances in the original P90X program).
All workouts also start with the “Cold Start” warm-up option in the DVD menu screen. It’s totally up to you. I personally did not use the Cold Start with most of these programs. I felt as though the warm-ups within the workouts did plenty for me personally.
P90X3 Total Synergistics Review of the Moves
P90X3 Equipment Needed for Total Synergistics: Pull Up Bar, Mat, Light Weights or Resistance Bands

The P90X3 Side Arm Balance Move from Total Synergistics
Push-Up/Side-Arm Balance: In this move you are in a plank position, and do a push-up. After your push up, lift your right hand toward the ceiling and open your body toward the right. Then, afterwards go back down, do another push-up, and then repeat only this time using your left hand and left side of your body.
Modification Tip: This move works your oblique (side-abs) muscles a lot. If you aren’t quite there yet, go up as high as you can on your side. Then, keep working your way up. If you have struggles getting your arm raised in the air, consider keeping your arms on the ground but raise your center as high as you can (to build strength in your obliques)

Keep your back straight like Tony does in this photo (this is the crescent move)
The next two moves are Crescent Chair and Pull Knee Pull. For the first move you will be relying a bit on balance and your core to get yourself into that crescent yoga move (and chair just hurts my legs…they are weak!). Focus on standing up straight in the crescent move, because slouching could hurt your lower back (take it from me, the master of hurting the lower back).
Pull Knee Pull is also similar to the Chin-Up Circle Crunch. You do your pull up, and then try and pull your legs up, or circle them around the bar as you are in the “up” position. This one for me was tough. I’m still trying to master pull-ups, so getting my knees up is quite the challenge. With core work and stronger abs, it will happen in time!

P90X3 Total Synergistics review: Boat Plow move
Speaking of Abs, why not talk about the BOAT PLOW move now. Within my P90X3 Total Synergistics review I want to enforce this move as a great move for your abs and core.
Modification Tip: Boat Plow can be tough (trust me I’m right there with you). Try and get up onto your butt during boat (don’t pivot on your lower back), and focus on raising everything upward to the sky (don’t worry if your legs aren’t as high as you want at first). For plow, don’t worry if you can’t get your legs all the way back to the floor. Put your legs up and back as far as you can manage, and keep your hands on the floor. In time, keep stretching backwards until your feet eventually hit the floor (may not be for a while, but keep trying).
Similar to the Boat Plow is Brannon Boat. This one is KILLER! I don’t know about you, but I sure need some strength in my lower abs (which explains some of my balance problems). My only suggestion for the Brannon Boat: do what you can and push yourself! The only way to get somewhere is to push yourself!!
Ok. Now I’m scared. It’s time to talk about my arch nemesis moves in today’s P90X3 Total Synergistics Review. Oh gosh. I’m not ready to say it….
If you are a master at this, I have the most respect for you right now. With balance problems, and tight hamstrings, I quiver in fear with these moves. So let’s talk about them!

Even Tony is scared of the Flying Warrior!
Flying Warrior P90X3 Total Synergistics review: This particular move requires weights (or no weights if you want to modify, which is totally acceptable). You start the move by standing on one leg with a dumbbell in each hand. I used 8 pounds the first week and realized that was too much, so for week 2 and 3 I used 5 pound dumbbells. Then, put the dumbbells in front of you at shoulder level. Lower both weights and then come down into warrior 3! See that picture to the right? Even TONY is scared! haha
Then comes the Warrior Squat Moon portion of my P90X3 Total Synergistics review. I do have to say that I appreciate these moves being in the program. They definitely work your total body in a synergistic way (multiple muscle groups working in harmony at the same time).
Modification Tip: If you are like me, and not as flexible or balanced, don’t let this move discourage you! Just go up as high as you can. I always try and stretch myself as far as I can go, with each time I do this move pushing further and further. As for balance, if you are really struggling, grab something like a desk or chair and make the focus of reducing your reliance on that object more and more as you do the move.
That’s it for today’s P90X3 Total Synergistics Review.
Are you on your P90X3 journey? If so, be sure to join me on Team Beachbody and I’ll coach and help you for free! If you haven’t started P90X3 yet, get the Challenge Pack now and you’ll be invited into our exclusive P90X3 challenge group page so you can get added support all for free!
Thanks for checking out my P90X3 Total Synergistics review! If you have any questions, comment below and let’s chat!
Yours in Success,
Coach Bob
prince says
Dear Bob,
Thanks for all good info you shared here. I still have one question that I wanted to ask you just to make sure. Is it possible to start P9oX3 without completing previous versions? It’s been years since the last time I did any intensive workout/sports and now I want to start again. Do I need to start with P90X, then P90X2 and then this P90X3? Any other recommendations are welcomed too.
Coach Bob says
Hey thanks for stopping by!
You can definitely just start with P90X3 without having to do P90X and P90X2 first. In fact, check out: for details on that alone (if you scroll to the bottom, you’ll see a video where Tony mentions that as well).
If you are interested in getting P90X3, I’ll also add you into our online group where we keep each other motivation and also share tips and tricks daily. Feel free to ask my any other questions here as well.
Selena Monique Green says
I think even with the extended length I prefer Core Syn. I can’t quite pinpoint why Total Syn didnt really do it for me.
Sweet Life Fitness says
I’m right there with you – totally agree!