A lot of my team members on Team Sweet Life Fitness have been asking about the P90X3 Diet Plan. I think we were all thrown back when we realized we would be eating MORE calories, MORE carbs, and MORE fat with this program! (This is a post to help you, if you want the nutrition guide calculator and info, click here).
Diet and Nutrition is a very touchy subject because it is that little key to opening the door to your success. The problem is, we don’t always get it right.
Today I’m going to share with you how the P90X3 Diet plan works and how you can make it work for you!
P90X3 Diet Plan says “Eat More Food, Fool!”
A lot of people I’m working with (heck, it even includes me), are used to the calorie-restricted diet to lose weight.
But if after all that hard work you still have a bit of that muffin top, or more, to lose, this might help you a lot: The P90X3 Nutrition Guide.
In the nutrition guide, you’ll most likely be surprised how many calories it tells you to eat. In the below video and section I have after the video, I’ll explain how to use this information to your fat-busting, ab-ripping benefit!
P90X3 Diet for Weight Loss – The Secret?
The best thing about Beachbody is that they always have the latest research plugged into their programs.
Research has proven that a weight-loss program that restricts calories sets you up for failure, just as much as skipping a meal!
The Secret – What NOT to Do:
- Just Simply “Guess” your foods (I know the X3 plan talks about “Intuitive eating”, but for those wanting serious body fat loss, it’s safe to track to KNOW you are on the right track).
- Skip Meals
- Wait Until you Feel “Hungry” to eat during the day/normal feeding time.
The Secret – What you SHOULD do with your P90X3 Diet
- Follow the Nutrition Plan
- Eat Meals every 3-4 hours, until you fill your Calorie Goal and Macro-Nutrients
- Follow your Calorie Goal and Macro-nutrients (i.e. carbs, fat, protein) as perfect as you can.

Coach Bob Says: Use This Thang!
This is what we aim for with P90X3:
- You eat ever 3-4 hours, healthy, clean meals (spaced out to meet your daily calorie goal)
- You BRING IT hard in your workouts. Since you have a good amount of carbs each day, you should have enough energy. If you don’t, consider a pre-workout drink like E&E
- Because you bring it hard, you start building muscle instead of adding fat. You probably won’t see the scale move much, and that is ok (even if you consider yourself “fat” – trust me!)
- Your muscles round out and/or grow, and burn more calories.
- Your body fat lowers, because muscles are burning more calories along with your workouts (and you continue to eat well).
I honestly find it all very interesting, but have experienced success with this P90X3 diet so far. I seriously hope it helps YOU on your P90X3 journey. If you have questions at all, comment below and let’s chat.
Also, make me your Free Coach on Team Beachbody and we can help you live your Sweet Life of Fitness!
Yours in Success,
Coach Bob
caseyyesac says
The calculator on your page has recommended plan F for me. However, it is slightly different than what the P90X3 nutrition guide wants me to eat. Which one should I follow? And if it’s the one on this page, would I follow that for all 3 months?
SweetLifeCoach says
caseyyesac It should be the same as the X3 nutrition guide. Also, I do recommend a slight change up in the macro nutrients for the Victory Week for sure. Find me on FB and we can chat some more and ensure you are ready to rock and roll 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/bob.sharpe.7
Chris says
Hi Bob. My name is Chris. I had a question about the daily meal plan that can be found on page 21 of the nutrition guide. I have been trying to figure out just what the numbers represent. The plan I will be going on i plan F so lets use that as an example. For breakfast it say protein-3 carbs-5 and fat-2. Do those numbers stand for the number of servings, like how many different(or same) foods from the foods list at the back of the guide? I am just curious as to what they mean so I can put together a weekly meal plan.
Coach Bob says
Hey Chris thanks for stopping by!
You are right, the numbers are the portion sizes. You’ll notice that a majority of carbs are near the beginning of the day, and the portions start leaning towards proteins and fats later on through the days. I can help walk you through it a bit better on FB, so feel free to connect with me and we can chat more: http://sweetlifefitness.net/contact/
Jose says
Hi coach bob,
I currently have the original P90X nutrition guide, but would like to do the X3 workouts. I have the X3 Workout DVDs but not the X3 nutrition guide. Is the information and recipes in the P90X nutrition guide similar to the X3 nutrition guide? Thanks
Coach Bob says
Hey Jose,
Yes they are similar. Check out the P90X3 Nutrition Guide and plug in your information as the macro and calorie requirements are a bit different based on P90X3 needs.
Coach Bob
Jose says
Hi coach,
When it comes to the p90x3 nutrition guide, should I be eating my proteins carbs and fat the way it is laid out on the book or should I only focus on hitting my macro nutrients percentage? for example, I’m in plan F and it says I should eat 3 proteins 5 carbs and 2 fats for breakfast. Should I follow those servings exactly or will I be fine eating any amount of proteins carbs and fats at any time so long as I hit my macro nutrients percentage at the end of the day. Thank you.
Coach Bob says
Great question. Personally I follow hitting the macros each day, and aim to eat carbs around the workout period and not close to bed. Essentially this is what happens in the portion planning of P90X3 that you are referring to (proper spacing of macro nutrients). If you don’t want to eat that structured, just follow hitting your macros while keeping in mind that carbs should be done around 3 hours before sleep and space them around your workout (since carbs = energy).
Keep me posted on your progress!
Coach Bob
danielripp93 says
Hey did x3 on very low cals 1600-2000, didnt even read the nutrition guide. i lose like 15lbs, unaware that i was spinning my wheels i was gaining, and losing muscle. This time around i am going to aim for the correct macros and calories. However my question is can i do intermidate fasting on p90x3 with 2400 daily calories 210gprotein/200gcarb/80gfat(my macros). Basically i wake up work out eat at 12, eat every 2hours or so to fill my caloric needs then stop at 8pm and repeat the next day. Will this hinder my progress aswell?
SweetLifeCoach says
danielripp93 hey great to hear from you and thanks for stopping by. You can use this type of fasting if you wish, just be ready to eat a lot during your window to fill the macros. Are you planning on working out in the fasted state? I would recommend doing this if you are looking to burn down the body fat and get the true benefits out of intermittent fasting.
JC says
Hey Coach Bob, for a skinny fat person is there a diet plan you recommend in the Diet Point app? I like that it gives you a shopping list and a weekly meal plan.
SweetLifeCoach says
@JC hey dude – sorry but I haven’t used the Diet Point app, so can’t give recommendations on it. I’ll check it out though and see what it’s all about. You can check out some details on what I do here: http://sweetlifefitness.net/meal-prep-for-21-day-fix/ and http://sweetlifefitness.net/how-to-use-myfitnesspal/