This Body Beast Build Back and Bis Review originally appeared in 2014. Updated in 2016 for my Perfect Storm Body Beast workout!I can’t believe how sore I am from my Body Beast journey so far! In my Week 1 experience I was almost blown back by how sore I got, even after recently completing the P90X3 program. But hey, I guess that means it’s working, eh? Today I’m excited to share my Body Beast Build Back and Bis Review along with my usual tips and shenanigans!
Body Beast Build Back and Bis Review General Thoughts
At first I was thinking, screw the back, it’s all about those biceps! After all, that is what people see when they look at your arms!
After doing Body Beast Build Back and Bis, I now “get it”. Those lat muscles, and back muscles can really sharpen that physique you’re after. A few different things from my recent Build Shoulders review include:
- Heavier Weights – I always feel my biceps can handle more weight, so I am aiming to burn them out to my maximum!
- Focusing more on my Lat Muscles – The “Wings” as some people call it. While I am not a fan of the huge wings (“Beast Airlines” lol), some solid lats look good on a fit body. I want to focus on these to help me better with pull-ups and jumping over walls in future Spartan Races
- Still Focus More on Shoulders – I tend to get excited about bicep day for some weird reason (but who doesn’t…I mean c’mon biceps are awesome LOL). But because I focused more on biceps than shoulders, I have these round biceps and flat shoulders. This WILL change during my Beast journey! Did you ever notice that the nice round shoulders usually highlight biceps more anyway?
Body Beast Build Back – YouTube Video
During my recent Perfect Storm workout program, I uploaded a YouTube video and thought I’d share it within this post. Check out my review of the Build Back portion of this workout!
Body Beast Build Back and Bis Review of Moves
In Body Beast Build Back and Bis you’ll focus first on your back and then devote the second half to biceps. This one is a longer Body Beast workout, especially in comparison to the Bulk workouts. Devote around 49 minutes for this Beast!
Remember the reason I share my weights used is NOT for bragging or for haters. I share them as a baseline so you can see what I’m doing. My goal is ALWAYS form over weight, so you’ll never see me “heavy-up” until I’m maximizing the move 100% (maximum form is where gains are made, friends). Also, this is only Week #1 moves. These improve over the weeks.
Warm-Up – Of course you’ll start off with the little warm-up with the great light jog that I always laugh at LOL. You will also do the arm circles, walk to plank, and some deadlifts, bent-over-rows, and reverse flys.
Single Set – Back (Body Beast Build Back and Bis Review)
Deadlift Move is the kick-off set!
Deadlift – This single set will also include a drop set for 8 reps. My weight used:
- 15 reps: 15
- 12 reps: 25
- 8 reps: 40
- Drop Set 8 reps: 25
Super Set – Back
- Dumbbell Pull-Over – I actually used my stability ball versus the bench for this one. If you have a choice, I actually recommend the stability ball for added glute and wider range of motion (my favorite is the Trideer Ball).
- 15 reps: 8
- 12 reps: 15
- 8 reps: 25
- Drop Set 8 reps: 15
- Pull-Up – The Chin-Up Max can come in handy if you are still working your way up on the pull-up. For all three circuits you do a minimum of 10 reps.
Giant Set – Back (Body Beast Build Back and Bis Review)
- EZ Bar Row – I used the dumbbells for this one. I have the EZ Curl Bar, but for some reason I am enjoying the dumbbells on this particular move.
- 15 reps: 10
- 12 reps: 25
- 8 reps: 40
- One-Arm Row – Time to heavy up the weights on this one! Love this move!!
- 15 reps: 25
- 12 reps: 40
- 8 reps: 50
- Reverse Fly – I don’t know about you, but I kind of wish we could sit down on this move. Standing up bums me out a bit for some reason. I suppose we are getting more leg workout after a brutal Build Legs day perhaps?
- 15 reps: 8
- 12 reps: 8
- 8 reps: 8
Single Set – Back (Body Beast Build Back and Bis Review)
- Close-Grip Chin-Up – Just when you think you are all set and don’t have to do another back move, you have this one last single set of pull-ups. You do them for 30 seconds in 2 sets, and then one final set for 8 seconds.
Single Set – Biceps (Body Beast Build Back and Bis Review)
- Seated Bicep Curl – Woohoo! Onto the biceps, and one of my favorite moves ever! Sitting down and knocking out some curls. Nothing gets better than that on a Sunday afternoon, folks!
- 15 reps: 15
- 12 reps: 25
- 8 reps: 25 (Couldn’t muscle up to 30-40s…yet)
- Drop Set 8 reps: 15
- 1, 1, 2 Hammer Curl – The second single set after you complete the curls. This one is no joke – it hurts like a beast. I went to a lighter weight to make sure I was legit on my form after you end this long beastly journey
- 15 reps: 10
- 12 reps: 15
- 8 reps: 15
Free Weights used for Neutral Bicep Curls
Neutral EZ Bar Curl – On weeks 1 and 2 I used the Curl Bar, and Week 3 I used the free weights just for fun.
- 15 reps: 15
- 12 reps: 20
- 8 reps: 25
- Drop Set 8 Reps: 15
- Airplane Cobra – A random lower back and core strengthening routine to end the day! Two sets at 30 seconds each, and you’ll be on your way home.
After this amazing workout, I grab my post-workout shake mixed with the creatine, and rock and roll!
Thanks for checking out my Body Beast Build Back and Bis review today. Are you starting Back and Bis soon? Comment below and let me know how you liked it!
Doing Body Beast? Join me and let’s Beast Up together, for free!
Yours in #BEASTMODE,
Coach Bob