If you are looking around for a Shakeology Review, today I’m providing my personal, unbiased review with you. The reason I call this my unbiased Shakeology Review is that I hope to provide you with value. I am sharing my OWN story about what SHOCKED me when I pulled up to a drive thru window (more on that below).
I am not interested in trying to talk you into buying Shakeology by any means. If you wish to buy it: Great! If you don’t want to buy it: Great! This review comes from the heart and is my personal experience with the product.
Shakeology Review – My Video Review
Most of the details of my Shakeology review are in the video below. Here I will explain my story with Shakeology. Be sure to check out below the video for the pros and cons I have with the Shakeology review.
More about my Shakeology Review – My STORY Behind Why I Gave In and Got It!

My P90X Results in 2010 (70 Pounds Lost). This was 2 rounds after I started with Shakeology
All throughout my life I struggled with acid reflux, and quite honestly poor eating.
I started the P90X program back in 2010 and tried my hardest to look like one of those ripped guys that you see on the infomercials!!
Did it happen?
Not really….
I did lose some weight, but I wasn’t really looking my very best. I kept hearing all about Shakeology and why it is good for the vitamins and nutrients it provides. I decided to look more into this product…
My first thought?
Whoa! The Shakeology Price is $129.95 for a month! Forget it!
So I struggled along with P90X. But of course, as is the case with most things, Shakeology kept coming up again and again (along with the Shakeology Price in the back of my mind).
Then came one of my BIGGEST nemesis to the eating healthy world:
Monopoly at McDonald’s!!
I used to LOVE the Monopoly times of the year at McDonald’s and should have realized how dumb that was during my P90X weight loss journey. I

Woo! Monopoly!! (Actually..has anyone ever won the big stuff with this fattening game? LOL)
always used to go and get the Breakfast on the way to work. This usually consistent of:
- #1 Egg McMuffin
- Coffee
- and an Extra Hashbrown (in order to score that additional Monopoly piece!).
I pulled up to the window to pay for my order, and the lady at the drive-thru said to me:
“That will be $7.56”.
This was my turning point…
Since when does McDonald’s charge so much???
I don’t even live in an expensive state (I live in Florida). This fast food deal was becoming expensive (and I never did win that amazing Monopoly Car…). I started thinking back to Shakeology (again), and realized that if I would give in to the $129.95 monthly cost and drink it daily, it would be:
- $4.33 per day
Whoa. That is a big difference between $4.33 and $7.56 per day.
I gave in and tried it.
After the remaining 60 days of P90X, Shakeology helped me take off the weight and I was really excited about how good I felt. My digestion was better, my energy was high, and I was dropping body fat finally!!
What I Liked – Shakeology Review
Here are a few points about what I did like in my Shakeology review:
- The Taste of Chocolate – I’m a natural choco-holic. I started blending up the 1 scoop of chocolate Shakeology with 1 tbsp natural Peanut Butter. I am blown away at how awesome this tastes (hint: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup!).
- My Energy and Digestion – Kind of a strange thing to talk about, but my energy is through the roof and my ever-so-familiar stomach cramps have gone away (along with the flare ups of indigestion and acid reflux).
- The Guarantee – Shakeology offers a 30 day bottom of the bag guarantee. So if it doesn’t work for you you can send it back for a refund after 30 days, which I thought was great. Plus, I also read that Shakeology is now clinically proven to aid in weight loss and lowering cholesterol which never hurts.
What I did NOT like – Shakeology Review
In the above video I discuss some of the benefits of my Shakeology review (healthier eating, reduction of acid reflux
- The Greenberry Flavor – Of the flavors (Chocolate, Vanilla, Greenberry, Vegan Chocolate, Tropical, and Strawberry), Greenberry didn’t taste good at all (in my opinion). If you want a health shake that tastes like “health” get Greenberry. If you want something that tastes good, I would recommend the other five flavors. If you’re interseted in Vanilla, you can check out my Vanilla Shakeology review!
- The Cost – If you read the above section, you’ll know my initial concern with the cost. The monthly cost is $129.95 (save on shipping if you order on auto-ship monthly). This comes out to about $4.33 per shake. Not bad if you look at it from the perspective of replacing a meal at $4.33, but you do pay up front for the 30-day supply. There are ways to get discounts (see: Shakeology Discount). I suppose either way, you can’t drive a Mercedes Car on a Toyota Budget. Same deal with Shakeology.
- Lack of Competition! – This one goes along with the cost. I have tried to find other Shakeology Alternatives in the past. But when you compare the Shakeology ingredients with other health shakes, you don’t get close. Perhaps if there was some actual competition, prices would be reduced!
Did this Shakeology Review help?
If you are serious about your nutrition and ready to get Shakeology, click the link below. Anyone who orders Shakeology will also get my free e-book on how to incorporate Shakeology into a weight-loss diet. If you are NOT ready to buy, I simply hope that my Shakeology Review was helpful to you in your research!
Comment below with questions. Otherwise, if you are serious like I am about getting the right nutrition to live a healthier life, order Shakeology by clicking the button below.
My Suggestion: Try it on Auto-Ship (to save on Shipping costs). If you love it, it will automatically ship to you every 30 days. If you do NOT like it, you can return it within the first 30 days for a full refund (keep in mind you can also cancel the auto-ship at anytime too).
Yours in Fitness Success,
Coach Bob Sharpe
See my other Shakeology-related posts:
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